I really enjoyed getting to Redon today, there were boats to look at and I'm never happier than when I'm looking at boats ! I know I dont look very happy in the photo but I've just got one of those faces that wont smile on command ! So, the beginnig of the end... I'm so close now, well about 140 miles to be precise, but it feels pretty close. I've not even worked out where to stay tomorrow or which direction to go in (apart from it having more than a little north in it of course !) My milage counter is showing nearly one thousand miles, which is pretty amazing I think ? Mind you it certainly feels like a thousand miles ! The bike's done really well, everything still works as it should and nothing's shaken loose .. Only wish the same could be said about me !
The fund is now standing at over £2000 and growing, so lets hope just a few more people dig into their pockets, donate and help me reach my goal ?!
WOW 1000 miles....GO man GO! Everyone at Valvereplacement.com is pulling for you and hoping that everything is going well. Hang in there!
1000 miles, quite a difference from your previous high of 12 miles :) Is there an address we could send checks to?
Hi Lyn, yes I do have an address you could send a cheque to. Please email me. justinewton66@hotmail.com
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