So much to write and so little time to do it... Another manic ride yesterday, racing away from the delightful vin yard, flowing wine, Robin, Sasha, their kids and rolling countryside towards St Palais de somewhere for a reception with the Mayor, villagers and dignitaries... Thought I was doing fine until I was met by lycra clad racers to escort me the final 16km at a speed not befitting me, my heart and a heavy mountain bike. So, I puffed and panted and cursed all the way to my destination and social event... It went well, wearing my BHF T-shirt with pride, posing for photos with my trusty bike and raising loads of cash... albeit for a French Medical charity...
I'll write more about that when I get a chance, I've not had breakfast yet, nor packed, nor done the flag waving primary school "ride by"..... Couldn't make it up, what a bizarre trip this is....
Yesterday I met Russian cyclists scrumping Figs, tipsy French hunters, yet another VW bone yard, castles, more castles, oh and a dead deer by the road... And more castles.... And fields of wild flowers.. Anyway, I must dash and get pedalling North West of here, against the wind! It'll be good to get going though.... Jus
Ps...That's a ridiculous picture of me in the van, but I had the whole place to myself and it was having such fun!
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