So, this time next week I'll be well on my way with a good few miles behind me ... and a good few in front of me too ... I'm nervous but looking forward to it at the same time. Looking forward to being out on the open road and having no idea what's around each coming bend, pedalling along at a steady pace, fresh breeze on my face and enjoying the moment. ipod on, toes clipped in and settling into a 10 mph mind set. Picturing a bar in the next sleepy medieval town or village to put my feet up and enjoy a large milky coffee, a patisserie and breath of french air .... The flip side of course could See me warn out, sheltering from driving rain, lost and desperately applying Sudacream cream to my tattered arse whilst at the same time cursing myself for forgetting the tyre levers to mend the flat tyre ! Keep watching because it'll be a fine adventure either way !

Now meet Monte ! Check out the photo, Monte, my host in Monlong, rather disgruntled at the depiction of him in an earlier post has supplied actual photos.... And get this, turns out he's quite the celebrity and has even appeared on the X factor ! I'm impressed ... Anyway I'm really looking forward to getting to that place and meeting all Monte's friends and fans for a good ole knees up and maybe even make a few quid for the British heart foundation too ?
I've been planning this for so long it doesn't feel quite real now, but I'm sure it will once I'm on the ferry. Thank you for reading ....
yahoo!! The day dawns, departurt, I am very excited for you and am coming to wave you off, have got some magic well water, from the magic well, to bless the bike and you...
Thanks Sarah .. I'll need all the help I can get !
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