Wednesday 9 September 2009

More sponsors and more goodies for the bike !

I thought my cycle helmet was looking a bit bland, and black, oh and maybe a little bit Nazi ! Judging by the looks I was getting from some old folks last time I was cycling in Brittany anyway ! So I've dug some paints out of the shed and set about it with my Blog address, Union Jack and of course the St.Piran (Cornwall's flag). I might add a few more yet too.... A skull and crossbones maybe, who knows.

More goodies too, stuff for the bike, it was like Christmas cracking that parcel open ! Another massive thanks to Helen for organising that lot and to Evenden cycles of Kent for their support and slashed prices ! The bike really is taking shape now... I only wish I were looking as good ! Still very under the weather and sleeping lots which really isn't good at all at this point in time. I've been to the doctor and had blood tests, I'll get the results on Friday but it looks like I have a lingering nasty virus, maybe picked up from the sea whilst surfing. It's knocked me right out and I'm really getting tired of it ! Fingers crossed I'll be back on my feet and fighting fit again soon...
The sponsors too keep coming ! It's amazing, pushing the fund onwards and upwards toward the £700 mark ! A huge thanks to Nunny, I'm not sure who that is but think she's the one who switched me on to Kingdom-come Kalashnikov wielding God Almighty figurines and Ninja messiahs !? Could be wrong though.... And to the generosity of Tricia & Pete Scanlon who not only are going to put me up for a night but have also kindly donated. Last but not least Nick & Alex who are a truly adventurous young couple who seem to be working their way around the globe learning, teaching and experiencing different cultures, languages and continents... I hear they're now scratching a living somewhere in China. Thank you.
So, the money is still rolling in and the bike at least is ready to roll !

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ahhh, bless, I love those lovely peeps Nick n Alex too, hope you are better soon, I got you a little st Piran flag, will bring it round tonight xx