Yeah baby ! There's talk of a Karaoke and BBQ along the way ! Somewhere called Monlong, which is sort of near the Pyranees, north east of Lannemezan ? This amazing bloke called Monte has taken it upon himself to organise an evening in the local Salle de fete, a benefit do for my fund ! To raise a glass and raise a few Euros too for the British heart foundation, it's remarkable the spirit of human nature, community and good will that this crazy cycle ride has stirred up ! It's all very moving. The effort that everyone is making to get this whole thing to work and get me, on a wing and a prayer and a clankin' heart the length of the country ! Yeay, good ole Monte, his mobile Karaoke and his enthusiasm.
He's been rallying the masses, French and British alike from far and wide, blanket emailing his address book and urging others to do likewise. I can't wait to get there, it's going to be fantastic !
So, if you live within driving distance of Monlong and fancy a great night out on the 2nd of October then head for Monte's big night in Monlong ! Thanks Monte !
NB. That's not Monte in the picture... He might not be that handsome !?
Hey - your benefit night could make you really famous!!! You need to start practising your singing as well as cycling. How many songs with "bicycle" in them?? I'll go first, the most obvious- Queen, I want to ride my bicycle.......
Thanks ! I guess Mongo Jerry would have to be in the top ten !?
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